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Adoption Subsidy

A short-term or long-term financial payment, either in the form of cash or services, that is designed to help assist an adoptive family in providing for the on-going care of an adopted child with special needs, by offsetting some of the additional expenses that they are required to assume as part of the adoption. A subsidy can include medical insurance for the child, counseling services for the entire family, respite care for the adoptive parents, so they can spend some time away from the responsibilities of the child to recharge physically and emotionally, and even a monthly cash stipend to help cover other extraordinary expenses and services associated with the adoption. The amount of the stipend and the types of services included will very substantially, depending on the needs of each individual child.

Question: Is there an Adoption subsidy for people who adopt their grandchildren? I was told there is a thing called adoption subsidy for adopting where if you adopt your grandchildren you are able to get some money, ($750.00) per child in Michigan if you adopt them. Can any one shed a light on this and is it still in effect for Michigan?

Answer: This site may be what you seek:,1607,7-124-545…


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