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Closed Adoptions

This is the most traditional type of adoption that is still used today, but is declining in popularity as the focus in the relationships between adoptive parents and birth parents is shifting from the lack of information and total confidentiality, to shared information and privacy. In these adoptions, the birth family and the adoptive family do not share any identifying information about themselves, and do not communicate with each other, either before or after the placement of the child. The adoptive family will, however, receive non-identifying health and other background information about the child and the birth family before the placement takes place. The birth parents may also receive non-identifying information about the adoptive parents. The adoption files will be sealed after the adoption, and typically are never made available to the adopted child.

Question: closed adoptions? i am almost 15 and had a closed adoption at birth. last year i had allot of medical problems and had to be kept from school is there any way to get medical information(louisville ky)

Answer: Start with the agency that handled the adoption to see what information, if any, they can provide. It will likely depend on what agreement the birth parents entered into at the time of the adoption. Your age may make it more difficult to access records without the help or consent of your adoptive parents or legal guardians. You might also search the Internet for sites or nonprofit organizations that work on reuniting adoptees with birth parents, if both parties are willing. Check out these sites for more info on closed adoptions as well as laws in all 50 states (don't know if KY is where you adoption took place)……


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