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Cooperative Adoption

Cooperative adoption refers to arrangements that allow some kind of contact between adoptive families and members of the adopted child's birth family after the adoption has been finalized. These arrangements can range from informal, mutual understandings between the birth and adoptive families, to written, formal contracts. The written agreements that will be signed by all of the parties to the adoption before its finalization will specify the type and frequency of contact. The agreed-upon contact can range anywhere from an exchange between the adoptive and the birth parents of information about the child trough cards, letters, and photos, to actual personal visits between the child and members of its birth family. See:

Question: Finding Siblings? My little brother was given up for adoption as an infant. Can anyone give me any information on how my sisters and I can find him. We have some information on him but not much. Our parents are not cooperative. He was adopted and born in Florida. Any help would be so wonderful. Thanks so much! There are 5 of us. We all have different Fathers, except for our only brother and myself. He and I have the same father and mother. Our Mother will not even speak about any of us. She doesn't even speak to us, period! Just some more information to help with my question. Thanks again! :) Devin's Mom, Thank you for this info! I have his birthday and place of birth but, we are unsure of his current name. Hi name was believed to have been changed since he was a few months old at adoption. I have done some searches but not sure if ones found are him. Thanks for the links.

Answer: Here is a link for Fl adoption registry, this is the first place that you should register your information.… I will tell you that if he is not 18 years old yet he will no be permitted to register with the above site or any other until he reaches that age. FL will allow contact if there is a consent for contact in the file from the person being searched for. Here is a link that explains FL adoption search laws.… If you do not have his birthdate and place of birth this will be a very difficult search because you will not have any information to register with. Your parents may be reluctant to give you information because when they relinquished him they were most likely told that they would never be allowed any contact. Adoption search and reunion laws are changing around this country and more adoptees are choosing to search for one reason or another. Do some research and explain to them that he may indeed one day want to need to find them and if they would reconsider their opinion. A good site to research and give you ideas on how to talk with them is. I can tell you this. Fl can be a difficult place for adoption searches. Good luck!


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