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Irrevocable Consent

A term used to describe a Consent to Adoption that has been signed by the biological parent of a child that is being placed for adoption, which under state law cannot be revoked after it is signed, unless the court specifically finds that the Consent to Adoption was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation, or by the use force or undue duress on the birth parent.

Question: Real Estate, What is irrevocable consent to service? Non-Florida residents Applying for a sales agent real estate license are required to submit a notarized irrevocable consent to service, Section VI of application. My question is what its that letter for, it mean that I promised florida that i wont do any real estate in any other state?

Answer: ok, NON residents. a RE agent's broker is mandated by law to receive any law suits against any of its agents. If you are not in FL but have a FL license, you must find someone who is willing to be your Florida "paper receiver."


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