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Relative Adoptions

A term used to refer to an adoption where the adoptive parents are already biologically related to the child in some way.

Question: How are non- blood relative adoptions dealt with? Im writing a story- it involves adoption but I know nothing about it. In the story a woman gets pregnant but leaves the baby's father (bec. he hits her), she goes off with her new boyfriend. This boyfriend promises to help raise the baby w/her as if its his own, but she dies during childbirth, without leaving any real/ legal specifications of where her child should go incase of her death. The boyfriend keeps his promise & takes care of the child, years later the real father comes back & wants the kid. How can the boyfriend kept the child who calls him "daddy"? Would he have any legal leeway? What would he have to go through to legally keep/adopt the child? Is it even possible since he is not a blood relative to the child or to the child's mother, and the real father is still alive and well (even though he was in jail for hitting the childs mom)? What if the real dad dies? I would really appreshiate it if any1 out there could help me bec. i want the story to be as actual as possible thx

Answer: It's an interesting situation. The boyfriend is legally at a disadvantage because the true father has rights as a parent. If he knowingly gave up these rights then there would be no problem. But, without a problem, what good is the story, right? It's similar to the problem of child-support. If a mother keeps the child but seperates from the father, the father owes money to support the child. Should another man come into the mother's life and adopt the child then the father no longer owes the support. But, until he legally gives up rights to being the child's fathter, the new boyfriend can't adopt the child. I say complicate the story more by making the original father even more despicable. Have the child become some sort of prodigy. The father has drifted through various prisons but now proclaims to be saved. He discovers the child is probably his. He enters the child's life. The boyfriend's position is undermined by the fact that the wife never officially severed the father's rights.


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