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Reunification Services

Remedial efforts by social worker and other professionals that are designed to help get children that are in foster care, and their biological parents, into a position where they can live together again as a family unit.

Question: what does termination of reunification services mean? i just found out that my partners reunification services were terminated. what does this mean? did she lose her son forever or what? is there any other way to get him back? i am very angry and upset right now and dont know where to start....

Answer: It means your partner has a very big problem. When reunification services are terminated that means the court is no longer looking at helping your partner receive the necessary services to get custody of her child. In fact, the court will now be looking at long term placement and or guardianship and or adoption. The next step for the court is to terminate parental rights and adopt the child out or place the child in a permanent guardianship or give the other parent sole legal and sole physical custody. Your partner can file a motion for modification and request that reunification services be re-opened. You really should have an attorney for this one. She has not lost her child forever... I can guess, though, that she probably has very limited visitation at this time. If the child is less that 3 years they will be definately looking at adoption and termination of parental rights. Contact an attorney and file a motion to re-open reunification services. Remember reunification is terminated when the parent does not cooperate with the plan and/or it is very unlikely that the parent will benefit from further reunification based upon a history of not following the current plan.


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