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Special Needs Children

Children whose emotional or physical disorders, age, race, membership in a sibling group, a history of abuse, or other factors contribute to a lengthy stay in foster care. Guidelines for classifying a child as special needs vary by State. Common special needs conditions and diagnoses include: serious medical conditions; emotional and behavioral disorders; history of abuse or neglect; medical or genetic risk due to familial mental illness or parental substance abuse.

Question: Why do you want to work with special needs children? I'm going for an interview on Friday to work at a before and after school program and my local elementary school. It's working with special needs children. I know that this job will be perfect for me, because I love kids. But I'm not sure how to answer the questions that might come up in the interview. Such as "why do you want to work here?" and "what qualifies you to work with special needs children" or "Why do you want to work with special needs children?" I was just curious why YOU work with special needs children.

Answer: Your patient with children You are creative and you think outside the box. Meaning you can think of ideas that maybe the group of kids can do as an activity. Or maybe one student has difficulty with dexterity skills. You can figure a way so they can participate in a game or craft. You are willing to learn. --- Personally I was a learning disabled student back in my days. Today I work with students in a school. I try to be kind and not to yell at a student for their miss behavior. Example: If a student is miss behaved... I will say you can hang out with me or go to the wall. I make it sound strange, but yet they know I am being very generous for discipline.


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