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State Directory Of New Hires

A database maintained by each State, which contains information about individuals submitted by their employer within 20 days of the hire date. The data are transmitted to the NDNH, where they are compared to the employment data from other States as well as child support data in the Federal Case Registry (FCR). Any matches found are returned to the appropriate States for processing. (See also: National Directory of New Hires; New Hire Reporting Program)

Question: Christians... does the Real ID Act of 2005 really scare you like it scares me? Ok, so the Real ID act of 2005 was hidden in between the "war on terror" and tsunami relief and passed 100-0 in the senate. This act says that by 2008 (they're giving extra time to states who request it until 2009) citizens will need this US ID that contains tons of information (ss#, address, birth info, TRACKING device, etc.) It is OPTIONAL, but those who don't get it won't be able to, among other things, get financial services/bank accounts, employment, be able to ride on airplanes, and won't be able to enter federal buildings. For those of you who read the Bible or are interested in end times sort of stuff, this seems all too familiar. Ironically enough, where is all this found? In addition, the federal Social Security Administration, (42 USC section 666! (28)), requires the States to maintain a new hire directory. Employers would no longer be able to accept, or ultimately hire, bearers of non-compliant documents for employment. W/o this card you have no money or job

Answer: thats news to me..sure is scary...everything the bible tells us is happening.....back in 1978 a friend of mine used to order free government pamplets and he told me that the government has a computer in germany that is actually a building that is a block wide and 3 blocks in length and this computer is hooked into every bank in the world..the name of the computer is pronounced "the best" but spellt in english its "the beast"..he told me that someday when we go to buy our groceries that everything would have a barcode on it (this was back when cashiers had to punch in the price) and that they would just scan it and the price would automatically add up...I remember telling him no way would this happen, boy was i wrong..then he told me that eventually the government would ask that we all get an infrared mark on our hand so that when we went to pay for something we would just scan our hand and it would automatically take the money out of our checking account..he said that we will no longer get paychecks but that the money will automatically be put into our personal account and the only way to get to your money is to get this mark..the mark of the beast according to the bible!!! the government will eventually force all businesses and employers to only accept your hand as payment...Most people will go for this because the government will tell everyone "hey, youll never get mugged, because your never carrying cash" says in the bible that those who refuse to get the mark of the beast will take up arms and flee to the mountains.......we are already seeing evidence of this plan by the introduction of debit cards...remember the governement wil ease us into this by introducing other things first so we get used to it like debit cards, and this "act" that you speak by the time they are ready to introduce the "mark" we will already be fairly used to matter what 'dont get the mark"!!!!!! without the mark though you cant get a job and youll have no money.........this is horrifying....


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