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Two-State Action

Action a State must file under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) when it does not have Long Arm Jurisdiction (i.e., cannot legally claim personal jurisdiction over a noncustodial parent who lives in another State). This usually occurs in cases where a State is trying to establish paternity or an initial child support order on behalf of a custodial party. (See also: Initiating Jurisdiction; Uniform Interstate Family Support Act)

Question: Two state solution: dead? Sorry to turn the topic away from the war in Gaza (not really) but I would like to post a small question, Do you think a two state solution is possible, and if so how would you implement it? For those like me who believe it is not going to happen what would you suggest?-- please be polite. For example: I think the best course of action would be for Israel to integrate the West Bank in a similar way it has done with the Golan. This would include giving residency for the Palestinians living in the area and a path to citizenship for those who want it. Final note- no rude or offensive comments, this includes insulting Arabs, Jews, any religion , Palestinians, Zionists, Israelis, or anyone else. If you are unable to do that, please post somewhere else hopeless, next time could you answer the question? Paperback-- I specifically asked for things not like that...

Answer: It cannot be done. Groups like Hamas want Israel gone they will never accept becoming part of Israel. In all honesty they would be smart if they did they would easily become a majority and take over the country quite easily and peacefully. If there is to be an Israel there needs to be a two state solution. The only other alternative is expulsion which is not a viable or humane one.


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