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Community Property

A system of property division which divides equally all property -- no matter in whose name it is held -- acquired during the term of the marriage, excluding inheritances and gifts in some jurisdictions. There are nine community property states: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin (quasi-community property). In these jurisdictions property acquired prior to the marriage stays with the party who acquired it. Certain jurisdictions exclude property that comes into the marriage by gift and inheritance. Some community property states allow equitable distribution where justice is served. These rules vary state to state and are fraught with exceptions. Consult local counsel.

Question: How do common law marriage work in TX? Is it filed with the local court?Does a license mean your married? I researched on the internet and it said that a common law marriage is not filed with the court. How does a couple get involved in common law marriage if there is not a ceremony? If a person has a marriage certificate at the court, doesn't that mean they are married instead of common law marraige?

Answer: the two links below may help. First is a brief description, then the offical code including code 2.401 which is about common law marriage.


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