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Of, or pertaining to, courts of law In divorce, forensic accountants are used to value marital assets, and forensic psychiatrists/psychologists are used in custody and visitation cases. Although many experts are competent, few have courtroom, i.e., forensic experience. Make sure counsel prepares your forensic expert for a rigorous cross-examination.

Question: What is the difference between forensic chemistry, forensic biology, and forensic science? I'm going to be a senior in September and need help. I want to go to college for forensic but i don't understand the difference between forensic science, forensic biology and forensic chemistry. Can anyone help me? Also, which one should i major in. I loved going to chemistry everyday, i had an A average in that class. I kind of hated biology, I had an B average. I'm taking forensic science at my high school in the fall.

Answer: Forensic Science is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system. This may be in relation to a crime or to a civil action. But besides its relevance to the underlying legal system, more generally forensics encompasses the accepted scholarly or scientific methodology and norms under which the facts regarding an event, or an artifact, or some other physical item (such as a corpse, or cadaver, for example) are to the broader notion of authentication whereby an interest outside of a legal form exists in determining whether an object is in fact what it purports to be, or is alleged as being. ( THE ALL AROUND SCIENCE OF FORENSICS) Forensic Chemistry is the application of chemistry to law enforcement or the failure of products or processes. Many different analytical methods may be used to reveal what chemical changes occurred during an incident, and so help reconstruct the sequence of events. ( Chemical make-up Study) Forensic Biology is the application of biology to law enforcement. It includes the subdisciplines of Forensic anthropology, Forensic botany, Forensic entomology, Forensic odontology and various DNA or protein based techniques.


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