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Proposed Findings Proposed Orders

A document prepared by you or your lawyer and submitted to the court setting forth your best case scenario, i.e., how you want the judge to find the facts and make ?conclusions of law? to decide the case.

Question: Why do people claim to believe in God? There are innumerable stars in the Omniverse. There are trillions of galaxies with an endless array of heavenly bodies... How is anyone supposed to imagine that the original flying apart of matter was set in motion with the object of influencing life on a minute speck of a planet, billions of years later, at the very margins of the whirling nebulae and amid the extinction of innumerable other worlds? How is it to be demonstrated that the planner of this inconceivably vast enterprise had in mind the cretinous figure of a sole individual learning that there are indeed stars in the sky and imagining that he is unique? Or again, and coming down in point of scale by several titanic orders of magnitude - and given that at least 98% of all species made only a few, hesitant steps "forward" before succumbing to extinction… on what warrant is it proposed that all this massive dying-out and occasional vast life explosion (as in the Cambrian Period) also had as its sole object the presence of ourselves? And isn't it odd that religion, which continually enjoins an almost masochistic modesty upon us in the face of God, should encourage such an extreme and impossible form of self-centeredness and self regard? By trying to adjust to the findings that it once tried so viciously to ban and repress, religion has only succeeded in restraining the same questions that undermined it in earlier epochs. What kind of designer or creator is so wasteful and capricious and approximate? What kind of designer is so cruel and indifferent? and perhaps more succinctly - what kind of designer or creator only chooses to "reveal" himself initially and exclusively to psychologically damaged peasants in desert regions? I have met some highly intelligent believers, but history has no record of any human being who was remotely qualified to say that he knew or understood the mind of God. Yet this is precisely the qualification, which the godly must claim - so modestly and so humbly - to possess. How can this not be a conscious and/or subconscious response to a need to exert power over other humans in the real and material world?

Answer: Beings with knowledge of God once roamed the earth..


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