child support

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Question: Can I have a temporary guardian, and transfer child support to them? I'm 14 years old. My mother is emotionally abusive, and is neglectful. It's a long story, and I'd rather not rant about it. Anyways, my parents are divorced and so my 16 year old sister and I live with my Mom. She gets child support from my Dad. I was wondering if it would be possible that a close friend of mine could have temporary custody of me. I'd rather not live with my Dad because he's just gone too often and probably wouldn't take me in anyways. But if my custody was transferred to my friend, could my child support be transferred over with it? I was also wondering if I could get my custody changed because of the circumstances I'm under. My Mother is very emotionally abusive, and has been physically abusive a few times in the past. She doesn't have any drug/alcohol issues though. She does have an addiction to dating sites if that would count? She will neglect my needs when she's on the computer. She basically wakes up, gets on her dating sites, yells at me, gets back on, goes to smoke, gets back on, eats, gets back on, then it's bed time. It's not an exaggeration, I'm dead serious.

Answer: Not likely, unless it is a relative. There is no money for teh states to pay for guardians in this economy.


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