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Hybrid Custody

The parents have primary physical custody of some of their children and shared physical custody of other of their children. See also physical custody. See parenting plans for more information.

Question: For your safety-critical systems, how do you ensure there's a chain of custody from your legacy systems which have possessed valid vetting certificates, and the systems you are presently using, supposedly with some sort of chain of custody ? For example you may have a system "103" which has a valid vetting certificate. You may also have produced another experimental system, say "106", with new desired functionality. You produce a hybrid H of 103 and 106. You intend that system "H" will possess the new desired functionality, and also will be able to obtain some sort of vetting certificate similar to what system "103" possessed. Won't you be likely to finish up with no proper chain of custody, that system H is unfit for purpose ? To Irv, Better answerers in philosophy. "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." Albert Einstein

Answer: Simple, take a piece of paper and write down every ones name who is involved. Ask them everyday what they are doing and if it has changed since the day before. Instruct them to do more of the same tomorrow and write a report on it. Gather the reports and choose the one you like the least and punish the author as an example to the rest. Read mein kompf and nietchze to make sure that you are always right and get the project name tattooed on your (%^&*). You will make a great Project manager :-)


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