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Covenant Marriage

A covenant marriage is a form of marriage that makes it more difficult to divorce. In the United States covenant marriages are an option for couples in Arizona, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Question: Covenant Marriage? Does anyone know about covenant marriages, and if they do them in Texas? If not, what is the closest state that does them? I am a very firm believer that marriage is forever, and even thought I know I will end up with him forever, I want to show the world that I am just that sure! Please help, any (good) advice would be appreciated. And where is a good place to get a dress in Houston?

Answer: Have you checked out these sites? According to wikipedia, they don't them in Texas but legistlation has been proposed.… According to Americans for Divorce Reform, by mid 2006, covenant marriages are only available in Arizona, Arkansas and Louisiana. However, the Arizona law does not define a "true" covenant marriage because it allows divorce if "the husband and wife both agree..."……


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