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Daily Dialogue

Daily Dialogue is a communication technique used by couples who have experienced a Marriage Encounter weekend. Couples write, separately, in the form of a love letter, their individual responses to a previously selected question. Then they share what they wrote with one another, and discuss their feelings after reading the letters.

Question: Can someone please give me a dialogue of your daily routine using reflexive sentences in Spanish? I need this for Spanish class since I was absent due to a long sickness. VERY IMPORTANT! PLEASE ANSWER A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer: Cada mañana me levanto alrededor de las 10 am, lo primero que pienso es en el desayuno, y en que hora será. Me meto a bañar a las 11 y me arreglo para la escuela a las 3 pm. Por lo general llego tarde pero no importa por que mis maestros no toman asistencia. Al salir de la escuela regreso a mi casa muy tarde a las 7, y después me voy a la iglesia.


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