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The killing of children. Extreme threat of starvation has at times forced some societies, such as the Inuit of the North American Arctic, to kill family members. When this occurred, the decision was usually to eliminate the youngest daughter because she was the least likely to add to the family's food supply. Though illegal, female infanticide does occur occasionally in India and mainland China where there is a high value placed on having sons.

Question: What is the definition of infanticide according to the Central Statistics Office Ireland? I know what the word infanticide means but I am curious as the what is considered infanticide by the CSO in Ireland. Just to clarify, I don't care who creates the definition I just want to know what definition is used. What is classed as infanticide in their statistics.

Answer: The CSO come up with definitions, it's not their job to they just collect and analyse data. When they collect data on something like infanticide they accept whatever definition is laid out in the legislation.


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