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World Marriage Day

World Marriage Day is a day set aside on the second Sunday in February to honor the faithfulness and joy of daily married life.

Question: Has the modern day world had a effect on christians' views on sex before marriage? Do you think that the christian view of sex before marriage has changed since jesus' time? For example I know that back then, sex was seen as a way to confirm a marriage therefore if you had sex with someone without being technically married, people would see that as you cheating on your future husband or wife it you get my drift. This meant that people would be scared to have sex outside of marriage because it would be seen as adultery, which is breaking a comandment. However now, sex is not seen as a way of confirming marriage. I know just this reason doesnt change the whole christian view on sex, there's still lots of negative thoughts in that direction, but has the modern day world had a effect on how serious us christians feel towards sex before marriage? (I don't mean that it's alright to sleep around, but if you really care about someone before marriage, would a christian consider sex? Maybe you've been in that situation. So you know, im a christian myself.

Answer: Orthodox Christian doctrine has not changed. Sex is for marriage. Outside of marriage it is fornication/adultery. I think it is probably true, sadly, that there are more Christians who compromise this teaching, both through words and actions. One comes across sincere people who say 'I really love this person so it must be ok'. This is to ognore God's teaching. The Bible does not teach that if you love someone it's ok to have sex. It says that sex is a great gift for people who've chosen to commit in marriage. But people are fallible. Trust in the Word of God, and obey the maker's instructions. Otherwise things end up not working so well!


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