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Adult Adoption

The adoption of a person over the age of majority (as defined in State law).

Question: Adult Adoption? This may sound wierd but is it possible to be adopted once you are over 21 years of age? I have a terrible relationship with my very disfunctional family and unfortunatly I doubt it is possible to repare the damage. This is partly due to my feeling, praticality(not sure the things that are wrong could be changed) and the lack or recognition of problems/willingness to make amends on the part of parents and my brother. They deny any fault and other family mesk?mbers, also feel angry at me for "bringing things up". I feel the need for a conection to someone that I can have a loving and supportive family life with. A family that is not irrational,people who do not suffer from depression,anxioty disorders, or religous addiction. Not much to ask? I know adoption a person old enough to be a parent themselves is a strange concept. But are there not others out there that want what I want? Are there any adoption agencies that work with this sort of problem or adult adoptions in the US or UK? The point of this is NOT to become someones "hier" or for anyone to become financally responsible for me. Rather the point is to become a part of a real family. Parents or Parent that understands mutual repect and the importance of trust and security in the parent/child relationship. I just wanted erveryone to know this is not about is about something more valuable than just money.

Answer: I don't think anyone specializes in this. Some states only allow such actions when the adoptee is mentally not able to care for themselves. I am in the same situation. I moved out at 15 and was put in foster care after 9 months of living on my own. Sadly the woman who rented my apartment to me got in trouble as well, but still today we are good friends. But I haven't spoke to my family at all since that day I left when I was 15. I graduated high school with honors and not continuing on with nursing school. I always thought I wanted to be adopted. I think everyone wishes for that "perfect" family. I then came to the realization after I left that I didn't NEED a family. It was a WANT. It took a long time to get to the realization that I didn't need the court to legally recognize me as someone's else child. I have 2 sets of "adopted" parents. Of course it was never by law, and they are not financially responsible for me in any manner. But I call them mom and dad and spend all holidays with them. Basically, end of the story, don't go through the courts, it changes nothing. Unless you are looking someone to financially support you, there is no benefit whatsoever.


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