child support

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Continuing Exclusive Jurisdiction

The authority that only one tribunal has to modify an order for support.

Question: Can anyone list out legislation passed these past 17 months that makes Obama/Dems so leftist/Socialist? I just don't understand the leftist/Socialist rhetoric. He's basically governing as a Moderate. It just seems to be the traditional GOP hate/fear strategy to scare many voters that don't really read up on reality. Health Care is debatable depending on your understanding but list it if you believe it. GM/AIG/Financial Bailouts - much of that money is being paid back - NOT government takeover What about all others? Be specific. Passed legislation, not conspiracy thoughts. Passed Legislation: ============== Reinforcement of troops in Afghanistan, double the number Bush put there ? Extension of Patriot Act, in response to Terrorist threats in this country ? Credit Card consumer protection act ? New Financial Reform legislation ?

Answer: No because they don't exist. Obama isn't a leftist or socialist, he is a centrist at best, there are no far left members of Congress either. They can think whatever they want, but it doesn't turn it into reality.


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