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Paternity Establishment

The administrative or judicial establishment of a party as the biological father of a child.

Question: Paternity establishment.....? With my current pregnancy the father is behaving like a 15 year old boy claiming that this child is not his and even going so far as to spread vicious rumors about me in order to discredit me further. Although establishing paternity and making him pay child support are alluring ideas, I don't think I want him to have any ties to the child. He behavior and that of his family have been completely negative and downright abusive. Does anyone have any other ideas or opinions on this matter. Please respond without being rude or condescending. I am not a child and not stupid, just looking for other options here.

Answer: If you have truly thought this through and are prepared to raise this child on your own, then by all means do what you have to do. Don't bother establishing paternity and leave his name off the birth certificate so he has no claim to the child. It also will make it easier if you find the right man down the road and he wants to adopt your child. :) Good luck in what ever decision you make.


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