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Stored Value Card

A form of electronic disbursement in which the child support payment is electronically transmitted to the Custodial Party via a debit card. Also referred to as Electronic Payment Card.

Question: What are the most common gift card (stored value cards) scams and fraud practices? Methods of fraud and ways to prevent them. Common scams within the retail world and ways to prevent them.

Answer: One of the easiest scams by retail employees is to swipe the real gift card, but return an empty one. The employee keeps the real card (and uses up the rest of the balance), while the customer doesn't find out the card is empty until later, when they try to use it again (and even then, you have to call to find out how much is on the card - it's rejected if you try to charge even 0.01 over). A similar scam is to charge an extra $20 or so on the card and hope the customer doesn't notice (or don't give the customer the receipt and just sign it for them later), then just pocket $20 out of the register. The totals will still add up at the end of the shift. A "scam" by the gift card companies is to put a monthly charge on the card, and to make it very difficult to find out how much balance is on the card, so most people don't bother using it and end up letting the whole balance of the card disappear in "unused" fees.


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