child support

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Arrears Arrearage

Money owed that is unpaid and overdue. Generally, you will hear this term as it relates to past due child support. Your current, or on-going child support obligation does not become an arrearage until after it is overdue. When you have an arrearage, CSSD may garnish much more than your on-going amount to try to pay off the arrearage and sometimes this can get very confusing to figure out what is going on. If you have a CSSD case, they will collect the money for you. However, there are collection procedures that would allow you to get the debtor's PFD, wages etc.

Question: What if you owe childsupport arrears and all the children are grown? Is my ex still required to pay the arrearage after my children are all grown and of age? What happens if he doesn't pay it?

Answer: Yes he is still on the hook for the arrearages, they will have to be reduced to a judgement to be collected. Some states have statutes of limitations on collection of child support. IN Texas for instance the action must be brought within ten years of the child becoming of age. So if you have to persue it don't wait too long.


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