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The general name for the matter filed in court. Also called an action, cause, or lawsuit.

Question: How much is a case of Heineken ? Do they sell the pint sized bottles by the case ? What's the average price in USA for a regular case of Heineken bottles ? Then I want to know If they sell the pint sized bottles by the case, because $4.50 for one bottle is expensive, I'd rather buy a case If they actually sell them in such a big size. Do they sell 40 ounce bottles of Budweiser by the case ? This question is mainly concerning Heineken, If you have a website that shows the size of the bottles, with the price of how much a case would cost, it would be appreciated !

Answer: I don't believe there are 16oz bottles of Heineken by the case... I've never seen them. a regular case of 12oz. bottles is about $20 depending on where you are and the store. they do not sell bud 40oz by the case......they probably figure you should just buy a mini keg at that point.


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