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Divided Custody

One parent has primary physical custody of one or more children of the relationship and the other parent has primary custody of one or more other children of the relationship, and the parents do not have shared physical custody of any of their children. See also physical custody. See parenting plans for more information.

Question: How do you divide up custody of infant? I am currently pregnant and the father and I are no longer together. He does want to be involved and goes to all of the Doctor appointments. I was just wanting to know how others in this situation have divided up custody or time. He has no experience around children and wont even hold his friends babies, so I am very nervous about him with the baby already. I am almost 15 weeks 6 days now and this is my first. I do want my child to have contact with the father and to have a relationship with him.

Answer: At the beginning, I would recommend he only visits the child when you are around, if you breastfeed, justice should not get in the way, depending on your state law. Then if you see he is good around his child you may want to allow some alone time with him or her. You can show him your tricks and the proper way you think he should handle the baby. Good luck.


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