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Guardian Ad Litem - a professional who is appointed to actually represent your child(ren) in the case. This means that he or she becomes a party to the case and may not always agree with the parents about what is in the child(ren)'s best interest. A GAL is different from a custody investigator, who simply does an investigation and makes a recommendation. See parenting plans for more information.

Question: How many gal of gas should each vehicle use if he wants to travel as far as possible what is the max no of mi? Sherwin owns a car and a van. He has at most 20 gal of gasoline to be used between the car and the van. The car's tank holds at most 10 gal and the van holds 15 gal. The mileage of te car is 80 mpg and the van for 100 mpg. How many gallons of gasoline should each vehicle use if Sherwin wants to travel as far as possible? What is the maximum no of miles?

Answer: Sherwin wants to travel as far as possible. Now if he is travelling from home and back he can use both the vehicles and also refill the tank. So he will use the van and all the gasoline and travel 2000 mi. But if he is going on a long trip he can use only one vehicle and one tankful so he will again use the van and travel 1500 mi


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