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Incest Taboos

Rules prohibiting sexual intercourse with close relatives. The prohibition includes at least members of one's nuclear family and may extend to more distant relatives in some cultures.

Question: I'm writing a paper on the incest taboo and whether or not it is universal? Any ideas of people, studies, or writings to include in my paper? My thesis is that the incest taboo is universal. I plan on using the Westermarck Effect a lot. Any other ideas? Also...I'm writing this paper and connecting it to the theme of incest in the novella Morpho Eugnia...if that helps. I should clarify. My thesis is that almost every society has some sort of incest taboo. I know that in no way are the incest taboos of different societies the same.

Answer: They're not totally universal. You can look up Dwight Read, he's an anthropologist and teaches at UCLA. He's written a lot on the subject. Incest taboos differ from culture to culture and religion to religion. Some culture, it's not okay to marry your cousins whereas in others it'd be okay if, for example, it's your cousin from your father's brother. Some religions it's okay for the priestly lineage to marry siblings. The biological basis of it can be found probably from Read as well, or the book "Sex, Evolution, & Behavior" by Daly and Wilson.


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