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Prohibited Marriages

From a marriage perspective, incest is the marriage between close or legal relatives. Incest is not legal in the U.S.

Question: does a prenuptial agreement protect a spouses business created after or before a marriage? or both? i heard that prenups can protect your business, but is this limited to when your business was created?

Answer: A prenuptial agreement is, in essence, a contract. And you can contract for pretty much anything provided that there is an offer, assent, clear teams, consideration, and acceptance. You can contract for assets already owned, or even assets not yet earned. They can protect your business, or any business that isn't even created yet. They can be as wide as narrow as you want, as long as the terms are clear and unambiguous. Also, people need to stop giving definitive legal advice on here. Newsflash: contract law is state law. Even if you are correct regarding the law, that's the law as it pertains to your state, and not necessarily the asker's state. I suggest you consult with a local attorney


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