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Attention Deficit Disorder

This term describes a lifelong developmental disability that can first be detected in infancy, early childhood or even in adolescence, and which affects a child's ability to concentrate and control impulses and behavior. A child who has ADD is not hyperactive, but will often experience a difficulty sustaining a functional level of attention in connection with the performance of normal life task or play activities, and may also experience difficulty in persisting with tasks to completion, or in sustaining concentrating for longer periods of time.

Question: What do you think about Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit HyperActivity Disorder? I am working on a presentation about ADD/ADHD and I need some personal feedback. What do YOU think about this ADD/ADHD phenomenon? Do you think it’s over-diagnosed? Do you think it even exists? Are you diagnosed with it? Can you tell me about some of your struggle? Any opinion about Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer: I am 14 years old and I have ADD. My elementary years were terrible...i wasn't a behavior problem (most girls aren't) but I couldn't keep my mind on one thing. I fidget all the time... I multi-task and I have a very short attention span. I was diagnosed with ADD last year and at first I was upset. Why LABEL me with this disorder? I found out more about it and it's actually a breath of fresh air to know that that was the reason I couldn't keep many friends (communication problems) and that's why I always felt different. My older sister has it too...diagnosed when she was 18. She's 27 now. She says that when she makes love, its hard for her to enjoy it because she has so many racing thoughts and that creates relationship problems.


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