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Cause Of Action

A lawsuit. To bring an action (lawsuit). Certain wrongful acts are actionable offenses, meaning that such acts are the ground for a lawsuit, i.e. they create a cause of action.

Question: Does an intoxicated driver have a cause of action under Missouri law when bar owner allows him to drive home? Does an intoxicated driver have a cause of action under Missouri law against a tavern owner if the intoxicated driver, after being served alcohol by the tavern owner or employee who knew or should have known that the driver was intoxicated, is involved in an automobile accident in which only the intoxicated driver himself is injured?

Answer: The drunk driver probably doesn't have a cause of action, but, depending on what the state dram shop laws say, a person who is hit by the drunk driver might have causes of action against both the drunk driver and the server of the alcohol.


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