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Expert Witness

A person with special knowledge, training or experience who is allowed to testify at a trial not only about facts (like an ordinary witness) but also about professional conclusions drawn from those facts. You must designate this person on your witness list. See generally Evidence Rules 701-706.

Question: Where can I find an expert witness on mattresses? I'm in a dispute with a mattress company and want to sue them in small claims court for fraud of warranty. Where can I find an expert witness or someone really knowledgeable about mattresses to look at it and give an opinion?

Answer: Expert witness transportation, per diem, and fee costs, even if allowed in a small claims court, would probably amount to much more than the value of the mattress. Accept the mattress deficiency as a learning experience and move on. If an innerspring design with body depression issues, consider replacing the top comfort layer with a talalay latex topper and a wool fleece pad.…… Mattress selection is really a trial and error process. The best you can do is research the various configuration options and make an "educated guess".…


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