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Noncustodial Parent NCP

The parent who does not have primary care, custody, or control of the child, and who may have an obligation to pay child support. Also referred to as the obligor. (See also: Custodial Party; obligor)

Question: Do I have to let noncustodial parent know if I move? I have a custody order where I have full legal and physical custody with the ncp having only reasonable and liberal visitation. I am moving within 10 miles of my home now. Am I required to notify the ncp of this move? How about my change in phone #? If it is a requirement - does it matter whether it's done by letter or phone? I'm aware I need to notify the courts and DCSE by letter - just wasn't sure if I had to contact the NCP directly. Thanks in advance for any help.

Answer: You do not have to notified him personally. You have sole custody you can do what you want. It's his responsiblity to get your information and exercise his rights to estabish a relationship with your child. As long as you have the courts notified the courts and family court services of your change in residence, you don't have to contact him. A phone number is all you need to contact each other and if he doesn't contact you, oh well. You don't have to waste your time and energy giving him info he is responsible in getting. You have more important things to do: like raising your child.


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