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Question: How did gas chambers work during the Holocaust? Well, I've watched two movies and in one they used pellets that broke once they hit ground and released the chemicals, and the other just poured liquid gas into it. Also, if anyone knows, was there lights in gas chambers, and why couldn't you have clothes on? (I figured you could filter the air through clothes). But I meant, they were wearing striped regulation pyjamas...I know the belongings were confiscated. My question is, which way did the chambers work? How?

Answer: the clothes were sold and givin to the germans, they did use multiple ideas for death including hanging shooting and the chambers, from what i remember they used a solid into gas called Zyklon-B, which after dropped would explode releasing a poisonous gas, sorta like the stuff used in pesticides until they were dead, there were lights but they may have been turned off after the gassing


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