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National Directory Of New Hires

A national database containing New Hire (NH) and Quarterly Wage (QW) data from every State Directory of New Hires (SDNH) and Federal agency and Unemployment Insurance (UI) data from “State Workforce Agencies.” OCSE maintains the NDNH as part of the expanded FPLS. (Tribes can choose to obtain access by agreements with a State.) (See also: New Hire Data; Quarterly Wage Date; Unemployment Insurance Claim Data)

Question: National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) I heard that PI'S can acces this is that true? How can we avoid this?

Answer: Unfortunately, private investigators do have the right to gather information from the NDNH database. If you have been flagged for some reason (i.e. skipping out on child support), your information will be in the database and accessible. There's nothing you can do but be sure not to be flagged (other misdemeanors and felonies also causes a flag).


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