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A commonly prescribed drug to help to control some of the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. It may have a calming effect and help to improve concentration.

Question: ritalin??? anyone want to give me the basics on ritalin? side effects how long the ritalin effects you how long it takes to start working any concerns that you should have if you start taking it dependency risks addiction just basic facts...clue me in?

Answer: side effects - loss of apetite, dry mouth how long the ritalin effects you - regular Ritalin - 4 hours how long it takes to start working - 20 minutes any concerns that you should have if you start taking it - not when presribed by a doctor that knows your medical history and has done a check-up. At the prescribed levels to someone with ADHD brain biochemistry, it is safe. dependency risks - not at the prescribed levels for ADHD people addiction - people who do not have the biochemistry of an ADHD brain have a much higher chance of getting a chemical addiction. You are clued in! Go forth and be smarter!


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