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This term refers to sexual intercourse by a married person outside of the marriage. In some areas this may also be grounds for divorce or adversely affect the offender's case.

Question: Adultery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… What would you do if your wife does adultery but realised her mistake and begs to plead.And promises not to do n repeat any kind of mistakes in future.

Answer: When I caught my ex husband cheating on me, I didn't even give him a chance to say he was sorry. I was so enraged, I committed assault on both my ex and his mistress, and tossed my ex out on the street. Of course that wasn't the right thing to do, but he also physically abused me for years...I couldn't take it anymore. After that happened, I didn't see my ex for many years. I moved away from home and stayed away from home because I didn't want to move back home. I ended up moving to Iowa for several years. After having two kids and going through hell (losing my house in a flood, and then getting evicted from my house because of my BIL) my family decided to move back home. Jobs were better, and the schools I want to attend are here. Recently, I was at Wal-Mart with my youngest daughter, and I ran into my ex MIL. She almost fainted when she saw my daughter. Back when my ex beat me, she knew that I had miscarried, and she was under the impression that I couldn't have children after that happened. When I told her I have two kids, she was even more shocked. She began to cry. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me she wished that she could have grandchildren, and she wished that her grandchildren were from me. She began to apologize for her son, but I was getting angry because she knew he was out of control. She was blaming herself. I said, that she shouldn't blame herself, and she was the one who shouldn't be apologizing. Then she saw my engagement ring and wedding band and it made her cry more. She wished I was still married to my ex, she claimed she missed me, and she always considered me as her own daughter. I tried not to get emotional because of my daughter being was difficult. I've always enjoyed my ex MIL, and there were times I felt closer to her than my own mother. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to see my ex standing there behind me, with this look of total shock on his face. I wasn't shocked, but I could feel a little bit of fear, and a lot of anger stirring up inside of me. Again I was glad my daughter was there with me so I could keep my emotions under control. When Peyton (my daughter) asked, "Mommy, who is this man?" I couldn't come up with anything right away because I was still in shock. I looked at her, and I told her he was an old friend. I could see that he was in total awe when he was looking at Peyton. I kind of knew what he was thinking...he wished that I was the one still wearing his wedding bands, and this was his daughter. I told him that I have another daughter, and I showed him her picture. I looked at him, and I saw tears begin to form. He kind of tugged on my arm, but I resisted...I had know idea what he was going to do. I couldn't freak out because I didn't want to upset my daughter, but all he wanted to do was hug me. I was standing there thinking, "In the middle of Wal-Mart?" My thinking was cluttered and confused, I saw people hugging in the middle of Wal-Mart all the time, but I just didn't want him to touch me. He said if he could take everything back that he did to me, we probably still would've been married. I was standing there thinking, "You can't turn back what you've done to me, and you can't take back what you've said to me. I'm a happily remarried woman with a family...see what you could've had?" I knew what he was getting at, he wanted to have the life I have...with kids. He destroyed every chance and beyond. But, I'm not the type of person that holds a grudge. In a way I felt kind of sorry for him. Since that day I haven't seen man. I think he knows to stay away because if my husband ever met him he told me he would kill him...and he was serious.


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