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Treat The Judge Respectfully

Never interrupt or be argumentative, always ask permission to speak. In An Officer and a Gentleman, drill sergeant Lou Gossett reprimands recruit Richard Gere for referring to the sergeant as ?you.? Gossett points out that a ?ewe? is a female sheep. Always address the judge as ?your honor,? ?judge,? or ?the court? -- but never refer to the judge as ?you.? Finally, you may feel the judge is biased, disrespectful, insensitive, or just plain dumb. You have a right to these feelings, but never, ever, treat the court disrespectfully, especially if you want respect.

Question: Why are medical problems judged differently between gender? Through out the years I have noticed that when a guy gets a STD or something wrong with their man hood people don't pick on the guy and even maybe pity him, but when a girl gets something wrong with her woman hood or gets an STD everyone calls her a whore. I mean what's the deal with that? IMO Everyone should be treated respectfully if they have any medical problem. So my question why do people do this and is just the internet that does it more?

Answer: Double standards really suck, for women.


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