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Postnuptial Agreement

A postnuptial agreement is a voluntary marriage contract between spouses that is created after their wedding. It is important that each of you have your own legal counsel before signing a postnuptial agreement.

Question: What's wrong with consensual polygamy (polygyny) in America? Is it really worse than gay marriage? Would it lower the divorce rate in America? Or would local warfare and homicide be requisite as is commiserate in most natural polygynous societes? (question inspired by an r&s answerer spillover into philosophy.) polygyny is polygamy with only the husband getting more than one partner. statistically there are slightly more women than men, so monogamy requires some women to go without. LMAO shinigami, don't get conceited and think Polygamy only refers to Mormons. "Things Fall Apart" is probably a better persective on how Polygamy typically works. Polygyny is downright evolutionary sound, so long as it is the woman's choice. The man uses his surplus of support to accomplish the goal of more genetic offspring. Better to fall in love with a poor man than to share Brad Pitt with another woman? (To pop-culturize it.)

Answer: Consensual polygamy only works when all the wives get on well together and there's no issues about who inherits what! It is far too easily twisted to the advantage of the male spouse! Look at all those cults in Utah and Arizona. Finaly younger males are disadvantaged since older males get the pick of wives and first preference . Look at the history of Mughal India and Imperial China and what happened when junior wives tried to get older wives and their sons displaced. It only seems to work on a very small scale when all the wives get on well together and any inheritance is legally limited to one child or split evenly? As for the rare practice of polyandry that's usually one woman or two sisters marrying two or three brothers in cultures n which the women control the hosue and property and the men work the farms or do crafts or go off trading and live outside the household.


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