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Legal Father

A man who is recognized by law as the male parent of a child. (See also: Putative Father; Paternity; Genetic Testing, DNA testing)

Question: Legal father?? Okay if my baby is born and its not my husband's but we are still married at the time of the birth is he still legally the father? I heard this and I wonder will they make me put his name on the birth certificate? And we are going to get a divorce so if we file before the baby is born does that change things? If we are still married when the baby is born does my husband's insurance= Tricare cover me and the baby? And if my husband is the "legal" father cuz we were married at the time of the birth can I not get child support from the biological father? Please help as you can see Im so confused!

Answer: you need good legal advice you r divorce lawyer is the one to ask these questions to. People on here are good intentioned, but state laws vary so. our advice is not very helpful. For instance, here in Texas your husband is the legal father, no matter what the birth certificate says.


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