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Romantic Love

Romantic love is when the chemicals in your brain kick in and you feel an emotional high, exhilaration, passion, and elation when you and your lover are together.

Question: What is the difference between romantic love and friendship or familial love? If someone says "I love all my friends", or says to their friend "I love you" or "Love Ya", is it not the same love as romantic love when you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend "I love you". I dont think there's a difference, or is there?. Serious answers only pleeez.

Answer: Well it is the same word, but the meaning with every person is different, so its like if you say (i love you, love ya) to someone in your close family, you don't mean it as a romantic love, its a combination of many feelings inside you, (trust, secure...) and also to your friends, you love to go out with them, spend time with them, share things with them... but still its not romantic love, its still a combination of feeling very near to love (happiness, joyful feelings...) but when you tell it to you boyfriend or husband, its different, its still a combination but different, you feel (secure, Passion, happiness, trust...) all these makes the word I LOVE YOU different. hope that helped


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