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Parenting Plan Or Custody And Visitation Plan

The plan describing how the parents will be involved in their child(ren)'s life, recognizing that children of different ages have different needs and that the plan will also change if one or both of the parents move. A parenting plan usually describes the child(ren)'s schedule and describes which parent will make decisions about various things in the child(ren)'s life. As a result of the parenting plan, the court will be able to determine the legal custody and physical custody arrangements for the child(ren). There are many resources on the internet to help you make an age appropriate parenting plan. You may also find the Alaska Court System's Parenting Agreement useful as you develop the plan that is best for your child(ren).

Question: What rights do my son dad have if we werent married to our son, if we have no parenting plan set up in idaho? My son has lived with me since he was born, and is almost 9 years old! Does his father have just as many rights as I do? Or does he have to apply for a parenting plan for his visitations?

Answer: I think you could keep it informal and let your son see his dad without going thru the courts and all the parental stuff. If his father really wants to be in his life, he'll get things together and be there. The only other thing to think about regarding a parenting plan would be the child support. Do you want him to pay to support his son, or would he help you out if you asked him? Just things to think about... if you guys come to an agreement, you can probably avoid all the court issues. hope this helps!


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